Fourth Coffee with EUMR

Project Details Published on March 17, 2021

Fourth Coffee with EUMR
March 22, 2021, 11:00 UTC
National Research Council of Italy, Angelo Odetti, Massimo Caccia, Marco Bibuli
Webinar, Coffee with EUMR

The EUMarineRobots (EUMR) project is glad to announce the fourth “Coffee with EUMR” webinar on Monday, 22 March 2021 at 11:00 CET. This webinar will be hosted by the National Research Council of Italy (CNR) Institute of Marine Engineering (INM) and will consist of a short talk by CNR-INM. The talk will be focused on the SWAMP Autonomous Surface Vehicle (ASV) and will be given by Angelo Odetti, Massimo Caccia and Marco Bibuli.

Please use this link to join the meeting.

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The abstract of the talk and short speakers' biographies follow:

Abstract “SWAMP ASV”

SWAMP – Shallow Water Autonomous Multipurpose Platform is a highly modular reconfigurable lightweight ASV, designed for very shallow water operations and structurally safe for surrounding people. The catamaran shaped vehicle is constituted by two separate mono-hull modules, each equipped with two azimuth pump-jets, navigation package, guidance and control module, wireless communication and power supply. Since each mono-hull system can work as a separate vehicle, SWAMP ASV is also a testbed for decentralized control architectures for autonomous marine robots. During the presentation SWAMP ASV design and construction process, first field applications from citizen science to riverine bathymetry mapping, and perspectives for investigation in distributed control systems, such as in EUMR TNA Dingos, will be presented and discussed.

Angelo Odetti
Marine Engineer and Naval Architect, with an experience in air cushion technology, joined the CNR in 2013. His research is based on the development of new concept vehicles for access in remote areas. He is designer of the hybrid (ROV-AUV) vehicles: e-URoPe, P2ROV and PROTEUS, the ASV SWAMP and samplers, tools and actuators.
Massimo Caccia
Senior Researcher. His research focuses on the design, development and application of cooperative Unmanned Marine Vehicles. Currently, he is the Prime Investigator in the projects EMFF-EASME Blue RoSES, Interreg Maritime Italy-France MATRAC-ACP, and PON ARES.
Marco Bibuli
(M.Sc 2005, Ph.D. 2010) joined CNR-ISSIA in 2005. He is co-author of about sixty international journal and conference publications. He is responsible of various national and European research projects and he participated in many experimental campaigns.

For more information about Coffee with EUMR visit


This project was funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and neither the European Commission nor the NA DAAD is responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project ID: 2018-1-DE01-KA203-004259.
